Have you ever put yourself in an uncomfortable position, all for the sake of personal growth? Ever risked your pride and dignity to achieve a greater goal? Here’s one such moment when I risked failure and humiliation in front of a live theatre audience.
This is my final performance for my musical theatre class last year. It might seem random but it means so much more to me. I cannot begin to tell you how difficult it was to put myself out there like this.
To put it in perspective, I can't sing. And, you know, it ain't easy for a grown woman to get into costume and put on a show!
Then WHY did I do it? I wanted to push my boundaries. So I intentionally placed myself in a position of fear, vulnerability and incompetence. (In retrospect, seems a wee bit crazy!)
But more importantly, HOW did I get through it? I worked hard on my mindset.
Here are three powerful ways you can achieve your goals, no matter how difficult (or crazy) they may seem:
COMMIT: I set a goal and I had to achieve it, there was no other option.
BELIEVE: sounds cliche, but it's so important
LET GO: sometimes you just need to chill out and have some fun!
So how did it feel? Incredibly terrifying – and exhilarating! Best way to put it: “BOOYA!”
Funny isn't it, the things we do in pursuit of a greater goal. We all do things that are a little bit scary, a little bit crazy, or that bring us a little bit closer to achieving a greater goal.
Sometimes our achievements go unnoticed, sometimes even we forget just how far we've come.
Whatever it is you're working towards, keep chugging along. But don't forget to drop a "BOOYA" now and then!