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Writer's pictureAsma Ahmed

I thought you should know

I want to share a little secret.

I get nervous.

As in...when I have to deliver a presentation, speak into a mic, even just address a group, I get nervous.

Chances are, you do too, at least from time to time. And if you don't, spare a thought for the majority of us that do get the presentation jitters.

In fact, many of the greatest speakers feel exactly the same before a talk. Yes, even the ones that actually do this for a living.

So why am I telling you this? Because I want you to know that the nerves don't have to hold you back. They certainly can, and often do bring a lot of people down. But there are steps that you can take to manage and even overcome your anxiety.

For many years, I pushed through my nerves. Which means that I still experienced all those horrible symptoms - upset stomach, sweaty palms, racing heartbeat, light headedness, sleeplessness, you name it. It was exhausting but I got through it because I invested heavily in preparation and skill.

More recently, I've also learned how to tame those nerves so they can't wreak havoc on my mind, my body or my final delivery. I still get nervous but not nearly as much. Mindset was the missing piece for me.

Bottom line is this: It's ok if you get nervous, you can still be an awesome presenter. Much of your success (nerves and otherwise) will come down to your skills, practice, and your mindset.

I'll definitely share more posts on how to battle the butterflies. In the meantime, send me an email if you're looking for ideas. I'd be glad to help.


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