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Writer's pictureAsma Ahmed

I swore I'd never do this again

But there I was, right back where I started...

on the bunny hill.

The last time I tried, many moons ago, I failed miserably. And I swore there and then that I'd never ski again. A promise I stubbornly honoured, until 3 days ago.

It was the first day of family vacation and we were taking the kids skiing for the very first time. Even for my husband, it would only be his second time on the slopes. After much encouragement from them, I made a game-time decision to join the team for a lesson.

It was a gorgeous day - glorious sunshine, clear blue skies, spring-like temperature. The speakers were blasting pumpin' tunes, good vibes all around.

I was so scared but I kept my cool. I did my deep breathing, repeated my affirmation, struck a power pose. All the things I suggest to calm presentation nerves. 

We began by learning how to stop - the pizza technique. Everyone else got it in no time. I spent the next 2.5 hours working on it.

Yes, you read right, I spent the entire class learning how to stop! Sounds like a fail right?

Not in my eyes - I was so darn proud of myself!

There is nothing cool about the video above, but as you can see, I felt like I had conquered that 'mountain'! (Hence the dramatic musical score - you'll want to turn your volume up.)

For 2.5 hours, I kept going right back up that magic carpet. That entire afternoon, I silenced the little voice trying to scare me, telling me to give up. It was incessant. I literally had to convince myself each time I got to the bottom of the hill.

I tried again, and again, and again.

And here's another achievement: I only fell 3 or 4 times, all within the first 15 minutes of class. Not bad, eh? Thank goodness for Jack, our instructor, who helped me up each time. I still haven't figured out how to do that on my own.

Oh, and by the way, I haven't actually figured out how to stop either!

Sometimes we forget to celebrate our small wins. We set big goals for ourselves and think we've failed if we don't achieve them. When in reality, we may be taking steps in the right direction.

Recognising your success puts you in a positive mindset, driving you forward to achieve more.

As you look back at your goals, or set new ones for 2022, I hope you'll remember to celebrate your many wins!


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