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Writer's pictureAsma Ahmed

Big goals, baby steps and mini celebrations

I wanted to take some time out to celebrate a small victory.

A week ago today, I posted my very first video on LinkedIn. Granted, that may not sound like a big deal to most, so let me give you a bit of background. 

Up until 4 weeks ago, I had never posted anything on social media. Never “liked” or commented or shared - anything. No, not even a picture or an update on Facebook. Social media was just not my thing and I remain largely disconnected from it today.

However, when I first started Soapbox, I joined LinkedIn as I knew it was a great platform to connect with like-minded professionals. I set a goal to share tips and resources to help people improve their presentation skills. 

The arduous (and exhilarating) journey of entrepreneurship has led me to do many things beyond my skillset and my comfort zone. I have grown tremendously as a result. Yet for two whole years I could not bring myself to share a single post on social media - a seemingly easy task.

And do you know what was stopping me all along? Fear.

Now, if this doesn’t sound strange enough, it’s even stranger when you consider what I do for a living. I actually teach people how to speak up and make an impact. And since so many people are afraid to speak in public – a big part of what I do is help them build their confidence and face their fears. 

I am a firm believer that a positive mindset improves clarity of thought and strengthens your voice. 

Over time, I came to realise that I share some of the same concerns that many have about public speaking. No, I’m not afraid to address an audience - in fact, I thrive on it. But I was nervous about posting on social media because:

  • It was new

  • I wasn’t skilled at it

  • I was afraid to put myself out there for fear of being judged

So much so that I really had no idea how to start - I just couldn’t find the words...until I resolved to practice what I preach.

Since I first began training 20 years ago, I’ve been teaching that you must attack your fear and have faith that you will succeed.

So I gave it a go and here we are today. I shared my first post on LinkedIn at the beginning of April. A few more following that. Then last week, I pushed my boundaries further by posting my first video. It wasn’t easy for me to do but I wanted to build momentum in my thoughts and in my actions.

Look, I know I haven’t achieved anything spectacular but it’s an achievement nonetheless.  And I believe that each of these baby steps is worth celebrating, especially when they lead towards a bigger goal. 

So I’m sharing my story with you in hopes that I might inspire others who might be holding back from trying something new. For those of you already working towards your goal, I encourage you to celebrate the little achievements along the way, no matter how small or trivial they may seem. 

And for all of you who cringe at the thought of public speaking, I urge you to practice and push your boundaries. Seek out opportunities to present at team meetings, conferences or simply your next virtual call. Do not let fear hold you back from speaking up.

In my case, it took me two years and a global pandemic to help me find the courage – but as soon as I did, I not only found my words, I found my voice as well.


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